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Not-for-profit organisations (NFPs) are the leaders when it comes to tackling pressing socioeconomic issues across the globe.

And while funding and sustainability can be a difficult venture for NFPs at the best of times, there is no question that the socioeconomic impacts of the pandemic will likely be felt for years across the sector.

Not only did organizations have to move 100% of their workers remote overnight, but they did so as donation revenue dried up, and office closures, furloughs, and layoffs became the norm. This is all happening, of course, as demand for social services has reached an all-time high.

Over 74% of organizations have reported cancelled fundraising, 52% a loss of earned income revenue, and another 40% declines in donations within the first few months of the pandemic.

We know technology isn’t the whole answer, but implementing modern technology that improves employee experience is a key enabler to realising broader strategic objectives.

How we can help

We have partnered with Microsoft and their Technology for Social Impact (TSI) program, where eligible clients can access technologies and solutions at a discount.

Some of the common challenges we help our not-for-profit clients with include:

  • Migrating off legacy IT to the cloud
  • Developing solutions to improve communication and engagement with volunteers and staff
  • Technology adoption
  • Digital strategy

Want to know more?

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Some of our not-for-profit clients 

Case study

7-day Yammer success for St John WA