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We are passionate about building technology that supports and facilitates the health industry to thrive in a digital workplace environment.

We have strong relationships with an impressive roster of health clients, such as Bupa, Monash Health, St. John Ambulance, Sigma Healthcare and Medicare, just to name a few. Each of these clients have enabled us to build and showcase scalable, long-term, custom solutions that reimagine ways of working in the health industry.

By working closely with our clients, we develop targeted strategies and solutions leveraging the best of Microsoft 365 technologies.

How we can help

Some the most common challenges we help our health clients with include:

  • Migrating off legacy IT to the cloud
  • Building specific apps for frontline health workers to help with shift rostering and field worker safety
  • Increasing employee communication and engagement
  • Designing Digital Workplace Strategies
  • Technology adoption

Want to know more?

Contact us

Some of our health clients