
Published May 2024

In a previous blog from Engage Squared we provided an overview of Viva Glint, Microsoft’s tool to capture employee feedback. In this blog we focus on the survey design principles of Viva Glint and how they can enable organisations to develop sustainable and engaging employee feedback surveys  

Keep reading as we explore how Viva Glint can transform your approach to capturing employee feedback, making every survey count towards your strategic goals.

Why do survey best-practices matter so much?

It’s simple! A well-crafted survey not only asks the right questions that are engaging and resonate with recipients, but also aligns with your strategic objectives, eliciting honest and actionable feedback.

 Viva Glint’s empirically supported survey design principles ensure a strong alignment with your business outcomes and key performance indicators (KPIs).  To create a survey experience that is both enjoyable for participants, gathers useful insights and feedback for leaders, a meticulous approach to survey design is essential. 

How does Viva Glint facilitate survey best-practice?

Optimal Survey Length

Viva Glint ensures your surveys are concise yet impactful, maximising participant engagement and data quality. To keep participants eager and involved, we follow best practices by tailoring survey lengths according to their frequency. For example, monthly surveys are thoughtfully limited to just 8 questions, helping ensure that respondents stay focused and share valuable insights. This strategic approach helps prevent respondent fatigue, boosts data integrity, and maintains high participation rates over time.

Structured Survey Framework

We’re all about making the most of Viva Glint’s smart survey design. Why do we love it? Because it takes participants on a logical journey from big-picture questions about the company right down to the finer details of their daily job experiences.

Viva Glint streamlines the survey process for participants, structuring questions in a logical sequence that transitions smoothly from one topic to the next. Beginning the survey with broader inquiries about the company at the business and leadership level, before progressing to questions regarding direct supervisors and team dynamics and concluding with items pertaining to the individual’s job experience. This approach facilitates a coherent and meaningful survey experience for employees. 

Harnessing Open-Ended Feedback

Viva Glint enables organisations to capture comprehensive qualitative feedback through open-ended questions. Whether it’s suggestions for improvement, additional insights, or pressing concerns, the platform allows you to tap into the full spectrum of employee feedback, driving continuous growth.

With prompts that encourage responses on actions to “Start doing” and “Stop doing,” as well as “What else?” for further insights, Viva Glint enriches survey content and delivers actionable insights for organisational advancement.

Dynamic Item Rotation

Viva Glint’s scheduling feature for survey items enables organisations to distribute a greater number of questions throughout the year. This allows you to ask questions at the right time to inform key business decisions, reduce the total amount of questions in each survey, and keeping your surveys fresh and less repetitive. 



Viva Glint shines as a leader in modern survey design, putting the spotlight on creating engaging experiences for employee feedback. By keeping surveys concise yet impactful, valuing open-ended feedback, and introducing a dynamic rotation of questions, Viva Glint not only facilitates efficient data collection but fosters meaningful organisational development.

It establishes a benchmark for survey best practices in the digital era.

Like what you see?

Feeling the Viva Glint buzz? It’s time to immerse your organisation into a world of heightened employee engagement! Viva Glint is available as a standalone platform within Microsoft 365 or can be purchased as part of the wider Viva Suite Microsoft 365 license.

We understand that every organisation’s employee engagement journey is unique. Whether you’re new to measuring engagement or just looking to review your current approach, our team are here to support you. From establishing an engagement strategy through to configuring and launching your platform, we’ve got your back every step of the way.

Our Viva Glint proof-of-concept offering explores four stages of a Viva Glint program to help you establish a strong feedback program across your organisation, all of which are underpinned by a comprehensive change management support program; these include:

  • Phase 1: Goals – Vision & strategy
  • Phase 2: Launch – Program design, setup & go-live
  • Phase 3: Insight – Analyse results
  • Phase 4: Transform – Benefit realisation
View our Viva Glint offering

About the author

Jesse Pethick is a Graduate Change and Transformation Consultant at Engage Squared. With a background in psychology, he has a deep understanding of human behaviour and habits. Passionate about leveraging his background and expertise with digital workplace tools, Jesse is committed to driving positive change and helping organisations thrive in the evolving digital landscape of modern workplaces. 

Ready to transform your business using Viva Glint?