

21 September 2023


11am - 12pm (AEST)


Online webinar

Records management and compliance has traditionally been a time consuming and costly process for government departments, but that’s changing with Microsoft Purview.

Join this online webinar to learn more about what’s happening in the information management and compliance space, as well as understanding your entitlements for E5 and/or E3 licensing.

We’ll explain how new features in the Microsoft platform available under your existing licensing agreements can achieve modern records and information management compliance, with a focus on business applications built on the Microsoft Platform.

Register now

*This event is part of our ‘enhance productivity & cut costs campaign using M365’ campaign. Follow us on LinkedIn to follow along.

With special guests

Andrew Jolly
IM Practice Lead, Engage Squared
Stephen Monk
CEO, Engage Squared
Dave Caddick
Senior Security Specialist, Microsoft
Beau Faull
Technical Security Specialist, Microsoft