Ahhh, intranets. They have come a long way from when they were first introduced. When done well, they’re like a mini-internet of everything you could ever need, and the best part is that they’re all about your company! Whoever thought of it was very clever.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last two years, you’ll know that hybrid working is here to stay. We know that this new working paradox comes with a number of challenges including maintaining a healthy culture through relevant communications and employee engagement initiatives. Now more than ever, the humble intranet has become the hub for leaders and internal communicators to keep their employees engaged and well-informed while working remotely.
If, like many, your intranet has seen better days, or you’re confused about where to start, then look no further because we have just the gift you – our Intranet-as-a-Service offering.
Using the latest in Microsoft technology our Intranet-as-a-Service offering gives you a true partner to support the build and maintenance of your modern Microsoft 365 Intranet. Supported by digital workplace consultants and adoption specialists you’ll feel like the experts are part of your IT and comms team: always just a call, chat, or email away.
Asides from implementation, a good intranet requires ongoing content management, continued adoption activities and proactively planning for new updates. If you have someone who can carry out all those tasks and keep on top of industry updates, then great! But wouldn’t it be nice to outsource the hassle? Wouldn’t it also be nice for the cost to be a monthly investment? Enter Engage Squared. Let us look after your intranet 😊
With no upfront cost, we’re changing the way organisations build, support, and manage their intranet through a monthly investment across three service levels. We’ve designed this offer to help you to create more holistic digital experiences for your staff (e.g., by leveraging new technology like Viva Connections) and as a way to reduce the ongoing costs associated with maintaining an intranet.
That’s a lot to take in, so let us break it down for you:
With its automation, centralised collaboration space and document storage, the Incident Management App solves a multitude of pain points that can make everyone’s lives easier.
Give you and your clients the gift of time and peace of mind with the Incident Management App. You’ll have several less things to worry about as you navigate an already stressful, time-sensitive situation, allowing you and your team to focus on solving the issue at hand instead of spending your time managing those pesky ad-hoc, admin issues!
If you’re interested in checking out our incident management solution in more detail, or adding it to your own tenant, check out our Police Incident solution (which can be adapted for any industry or situation) on GitHub for free. Or, get in touch to book a demo and find out more.